How To: This Training Will Make You an Excel Master for a Ridiculously Low Price

This Training Will Make You an Excel Master for a Ridiculously Low Price

Since its original release as a spreadsheet program called Multiplan in 1982, Microsoft Excel has become the world's premier business software. If you think that it's only good for spreadsheets, you haven't been paying enough attention.

The Complete Excel Pro Tips Certification Bundle will bring you up to date with the incredible range of services this one program can offer. This six-course, 118-lesson bundle is yours for just $19.

You'll start with PivotTables, a powerful analytic tool. A two-hour course teaches you how to slice, dice, and filter data with ease. You'll also be able to quickly group values, enable multiple filters, and define custom sort lists. As more companies require data science, this is an invaluable skillset to have in your toolbox.

Excel is packed with productivity tools to get to know. A 21-lesson course reveals all the keyboard shortcuts, autofill and flash fills, data validation, and advanced filters you'll ever need to move quickly and confidently through Excel.

Of course, Excel is a visualization program as well. Forget boring sheets. In one course you'll be able to design beautiful pie charts, line graphs, sparklines, and custom templates. Your data will pop off the screen during presentations.

Additionally, formatting is included. You'll learn how to fill cells and choose the right colors while upleveling your formatting game. Freeze panes, hide text, and create advanced formats like a champ in this 20-lesson course.

One student of this course breaks down the skills he learned: "Everything you need to know about Excel. Great courses that are well thought out and organized. I would highly recommend."

The Complete Excel Pro Tips Certification Bundle is on sale now for just $19, a 93% discount from the list price.

Price subject to change.

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Cover image via Pexels/Pixabay

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