How To: See What a New Language Can Do for You with This $30 Bundle

See What a New Language Can Do for You with This $30 Bundle

When we're kids, learning a new language is easy, but that's not the case when we reach adulthood. For all the times you've struggled with rote practice from apps like Duolingo or wished you could take language courses without enrolling in an expensive university, now there is The Ultimate Language Learning at Home Bundle for Beginners.

For $29.99, a 97% discount, you can become a Professional Linguist after studying more than 30 hours of expert content going over the basics of Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Greek, and more.

When learning a second language, one of the most common difficulties is not being consistently exposed to that language. This is called second language attrition, and it happens when you don't use or think about your second language often. With language classes, you have a limited amount of time to study your language before it begins to fade. With apps, there is a limited amount you can study. With The Ultimate Language Learning at Home Bundle for Beginners, you will get lifetime access to all the language instruction to ensure you always have access to it, and you can listen to 34 hours of content any time you're available.

If you want to learn Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Greek, French, or Portuguese, this bundle is perfect. Taught by Linguae Learning, one of the best sources for language learning, every course in this bundle will give you a strong foundation in a new language, something you can build fluency on and use when you travel, talk to family from other countries, or just to impress a friend. Dream in a new language with The Ultimate Language Learning at Home Bundle for Beginners, now $29.99 but normally retailing for over $1,300. Say "oui" to a new language and see how quickly you learn.

Prices subject to change.

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