How To: Master the Google Cloud Platform for Under $30

Master the Google Cloud Platform for Under $30

Twelve years ago Google launched its Cloud Platform, and the world has never been the same. This suite of cloud computing services has changed how modern businesses operate. Whether you use it for data storage, management tools, computing, or machine learning, the Google Cloud Platform is essential.

The Complete Google Cloud eBook & Video Course Bundle is your ticket to mastery of this revolutionary platform.

If your goal is to become a Professional Cloud Architect, one course will prepare you for the exam by teaching you the ins and outs of storage, analytics, big data, machine learning, and application development. You'll also delve into GCP core services such as computing and security.

Perhaps Machine Learning is your thing. After reading the 500-page book, you'll know how to build and train different complexities of machine learning models at scale as well as host them in the cloud to make predictions.

Google AI services is a hot market. Discover how to make simple apps featuring AI and work with the Vision API, Video Intelligence API, Speech Recognition API, Cloud Language Process, and Cloud Translation API services.

Cloud Analytics geeks will get a broad introduction to the concept and learn about the different cloud services popularly used for processing and analyzing data. Then you'll go over the 70+ services available in Google Cloud Platform and understand their implementation.

Developers will also love the course on writing, building, and deploying Cloud-hosted applications. After starting with the App Engine, you'll move on to work with the Container Engine, compute engine, and cloud functions.

The Complete Google Cloud eBook & Video Course Bundle is on sale now for just $29.99, a 92% discount from the list price.

Price subject to change.

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