How To: Manage Even the Most Complex Projects Easily with Scrum

Manage Even the Most Complex Projects Easily with Scrum

Good communication is essential when managing teams and overseeing complex projects. Whether you're developing the latest and greatest app or trying to get ahead of a large data science project, effective communicators are always in high demand.

Project managers are responsible for implementing these skills and are well compensated for helping teams stay on track and on budget. The Ultimate Scrum Foundation Certification Prep Bundle can teach you the tools of the trade and help get your foot in the door for only $29.99 today.

This five-course bundle kicks off with a look at Scrum, a project management framework for managing complex work and relaying information to team members. No matter the job, teams need to be in constant contact to effectively mitigate risk and track milestones, and without a master communicator — in this case, a Scrum master — guiding the process, there's too much room for error.

That's not all that's included in this wide-ranging 184-lesson bundle. You'll also learn how to master more tools and frameworks including the Kanban method, which you'll also be expected to know as a project manager.

Every product manager needs a means for disseminating information, which is why the Kanban method is so important. This lean method approach helps you improve communication and workflow across teams by teaching you how to expertly manage system-level bottlenecks.

There's also a course on User Stories, which are descriptions of a product feature or requirement from a user's perspective. In just one hour you'll discover the Agile Scrum business analyst templates for writing user stories and making them work for your business.

On your way to becoming a Scrum Master, you'll get a deep dive into the Scrum project management toolbox and hear a number of case studies and confessions from professionals in the field. By the end, you'll feel confident in implementing Scrum improvements for any development, service, maintenance or support team.

Sign up for The Ultimate Scrum Foundation Certification Prep Bundle today and save 96% off the list price. You'll learn everything necessary for product management for just $29.99.

Prices subject to change.

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