How To: Learn Any of Rosetta Stone's 24 Languages with This Incredible App Bundle

Learn Any of Rosetta Stone's 24 Languages with This Incredible App Bundle

As we settle into our new normal, this extra time provides a perfect opportunity to learn new skills. Speaking a foreign language is a great way to expand your cultural boundaries while also training your brain. Not only will you pass the time more effectively, but you'll also be doing something positive for your health.

That's because learning a language improves your memory, makes you a better decision-maker, increases your ability to network, and sharpens your mind. Bilingual speakers are less likely to experience dementia as they grow older. Challenging your brain in this way provides cognitive benefits that last a lifetime.

The Social Distancing Lifetime Subscription Bundle features a lifetime subscription to Rosetta Stone, the premier program for learning a new language. In this bundle, you'll gain access to any of the 24 languages on offer. Whether you've been itching to learn Dutch, Hindi, or Hebrew, you'll begin picking up common phrases immediately.

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The award-winning program begins by matching words with images—the same protocol children are taught. As you get the hang of it, the program becomes interactive; the speech recognition technology provides immediate feedback as you work on your accent. Not only will you soon be conversant with the basics, but you'll also learn how to read and write in the languages you choose.

This collection doesn't stop there. You'll also receive two other incredible products to help you make the most of your time while learning from home.

Enter 12 min Premium Micro Book Library, which distills today's best reads into quick 12-minute summaries. Every month you'll receive 30 new titles. You simply choose what nonfiction book you want to be summarized and you'll get a wealth of knowledge delivered to your device in a minimum amount of time.

Of course, you want to keep these programs (and everything else) safe. You'll also receive a lifetime subscription to KeepSolid VPN Unlimited. Ten million global customers use KeepSolid to protect their data without compromising on bandwidth speeds or geographic restrictions. With over 400 servers in over 80 global locations, you'll surf the web freely and safely.

Get The Social Distancing Lifetime Subscription Bundle today for just $199.

Price subject to change.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Cover image via Soner Eker/Unsplash

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