How To: Get Your Own Personal Project Manager for Under $40

Get Your Own Personal Project Manager for Under $40

We all know how hard it can be to stay productive, especially when working from home. There are many distractions throughout our day. Organizing your workflow is necessary for getting anything done.

Taskolly Project Manager is a flexible and visual organizer that makes it simple for you to flow through your workday while staying on task. Even better, you can use Taskolly to collaborate with your entire team.

Taskolly's powerful project planning platform lets you scale your project with a number of valuable scheduling features and collaboration tools. You can easily set priorities and deadlines for yourself and your team members.

Taskollys dynamic tracking features allow you to follow projects and tasks through every stage. Multiple projects are no problem: you can create numerous individual and shared workspaces to stay organized. The time tracking feature helps everyone on the team meet their deadlines.

Working with a budget? No problem. Taskolly's progress bar lets you see where the money is in realtime. The milestone markers will help you feel accomplished as another box is checked while also reminding you what's left on the road ahead.

The task board is easy to navigate. Quickly comment on sub-tasks or use a Kanban board to keep track of everyone's progress.

To learn more about Taskolly's powerful features, watch this video:

Taskolly Project Manager: Lifetime Subscription is on sale now for just $39, a 90% discount from the list price. You get unlimited projects, tasks, clients, and invoices for five users and five workspaces.

Price subject to change.

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Cover image via Eldamar Studio/YouTube

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